
Always ready to talk about overshoot, collapse, and finding meaning under dominant culture, Erik oscillates between working agricultural jobs and living out of his car to visit folks involved in radical work across the country. He grounds his own work and worldview in deep ecology, local community, and the pursuit of kinship and solidarity with the living world.

Erik was among the first to show up at our EcoGatherings and quickly established a habit of posing or answering questions in ways that cracked right to the heart of what we were all collectively grappling with. (Perhaps it has something to do with his undergraduate studies in both Chemistry and Philosophy. Maybe it’s the way he’s constantly bridging the human and more than human worlds as a practicing agroecologist. It could have something to do with the fact that he has lots of conversations with land stewards or that he gets up close and personal with pasture grasses. Whatever the cause, it’s a pretty special way of being. After convincing countless others to join these searching sessions, the EcoGather team invited him to help hold these virtual spaces.